Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Yes, it's that time again and No, I didn't forget...almost though. It's been a rough week for me but I'm happy that I've made this commitment because it's helping me put the things in my life in perspective. So here's what I'm grateful for:

A sleeping toddler

A first experience at the Fair

Sweet faces of pure joy

Dancing daughter

Teaching about Adoption

Learning from Adoptive parents

The Trojan Marching Band

A peaceful walk with my family

Supervisors who listen and help

Tears of exhaustion

Sobbing in the car over a long drive

What are you grateful for?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie!
    I love your blog and the fact that you based the title from the "Wheat in the Barn" parable. I'm starting a Thankful Thursday post on my blog each week, too. Gratitude is such an important part of praising our Lord and choosing to give thanks, in all circumstances. I know God sees our gratitude as an act of faith, worship, and adoration. Your little girl is beautiful, Katie! God is so good. Bless you. XO
